What is this about

Duplicacy supports the Google Drive backend allowing to utilize storage at the Google Drive account including G-Suite/Google Workspace).

The existing mechanism described in the duplicacy documentation works, but suffers from several drawbacks:

  1. Duplicacy-owned Google project is used to create login credentials, shared by all users.
  2. The OAUTH credentials need to be renewed periodically requiring duplicacy.com to be reachable and available.
  3. The duplicacy datastore sticks in the user’s Drive as a sore thumb, polluting recently changed files list with opaque chunk data.

We can avoid drawbacks 1-2 by providing duplicacy with credentials to a service account created in our own project with permissions to impersonate the specific user.

Drawback 3 can be avoided by using drive.appdata instead of drive or drive.file scope to store the duplicacy datastore thus limiting exposure of the user’s Drive folder and avoiding polluting the latter with the former.


  1. Create Project on https://console.cloud.google.com.
  2. Enable Google Drive API.
  3. Configure Internal OAUTH with https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata scope (or drive or drive.file to place the datastore into My Drive folder).
  4. Create Service Account, enable Domain-Wide Delegation, and export JSON with credentials.
  5. Add subject key to the downloaded JSON pointing to the user to impersonate.
  6. Add scope key pointing to the chosen scope (can be omitted for drive scope)
  7. On https://admin.google.com under Security, API Controls, Domain-wide Delegation add created API client with the same scope as in step 3 above.
  8. Modify duplicacy code to honor subject and scope fields in the token file, until the change makes it to the release.


Preparing Service Account

  1. Log in to https://console.cloud.google.com and click the drop-down, between words “Google Cloud Platform” and “Search products and resources” up top. Select your organization in the dropdown list if it is not yet selected and click NEW PROJECT: GCP Project Dropdown
  2. Give the project a name. We’ll call it Duplicacy-App. Click CREATE: Create Project
  3. If the newly created project is not selected in the drop-down box up top – select it. If needed - click Hamburger Menu, “API & Services”, to end up on this screen: Project Created
  5. Search for “Google Drive” and click on “Google Drive API”: Search for Google Drive
  6. Click ENABLE: Enable API
  7. Once API is enabled you will end up back on the project page. On the left, click “Credentials” (If you are lost, this is located under Hamburger Menu, under “API & Services”), and then CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN. Api Enabled
  8. Select “Internal” and click CREATE: Consent Internal
  9. Choose app name and user support email: App Name
  10. Scroll down, add developer contact info, and click SAVE AND CONTINUE: App Name
  11. This part is very important: this will define application access scope. Click on ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES: App Name
  12. The available scopes are described here.
    • If you would like the datastore to be placed into the My Drive folder we need to grant access to https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive scope, which is full permission scope. Alternatively, drive.file can be used.
    • For placing the datastore to the hidden app-data folder that only duplicacy can access, without giving it full access to the entire drive use ../auth/drive.appdata scope. Either click the checkbox next to the desired scope (../auth/drive.appdata) or paste the scope URL to “Manually add scopes” box. Then click UPDATE: App Name
  13. The scope would be added to the list of Non-Sensitive scope list. The drive scope would have been added to the more restrictive sensitive scopes. Then click SAVE AND CONTINUE: App Name
  14. Confirmation screen will be displayed in a little while. Go back to “API & Services”, “Credentials”, and click + CREATE CREDENTIALS. In the popup menu select “Service Account”: App Name
  15. Fill in service account details and click CREATE: App Name
  16. On the next screen click DONE: App Name
  17. Back on the “Credentials” page click on the pencil next to the service account we just created: App Name
  18. Here we’ll need to do a few things:
    1. Make a note of Unique ID for later.
    2. Expand SHOW DOMAIN DELEGATION and tick the checkbox there. This will grant the service account access to all users’ data on the domain.
    3. Click ADD KEY, “Create New Key”: App Name
  19. Select JSON and click CREATE: App Name
  20. The JSON file with access credentials including the private keys will be saved to your machine, something like duplicacy-app-4e8ade810e46.json

Granting service account access to the domain

Now, change of scenery. Go to https://admin.google.com, there

  1. Click Security.
  2. Scroll down all the way, click API Controls.
  3. Scroll down all the way, click Manage Domain Wide Delegation, Add New and input the following information:
    • UniqueID we saved in step 18 above.
    • Scope from step 12: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata App Name Then click AUTHORIZE.

Configuring duplicacy for impersonation

Open downloaded JSON file and add "subject": "[email protected]" to tell duplicacy which account to impersonate; don’t forget the ,, and the correct scope; same as above:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "duplicacy-app",
  "private_key_id": "4e8ade810e....ea0892f",
  "private_key": "--...--\n",
  "client_email": "[email protected]",
  "client_id": "104387532945714391723",
  "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
  "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/duplicacy%40duplicacy-app.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
  "subject": "[email protected]",
  "scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata"

Building duplicacy from source to get support for subject and scope fields until released

As of today duplicacy does not honor subject and scope field from the json file. More information, along with the link to the pull request can be found here. In the meantime this patch can be applied to the top of tree: https://blog.arrogantrabbit.com/assets/duplicacy_gcd_subject_scope.patch

On a mac, the process is really simple:

  1. Install go: brew install go.
  2. Fetch duplicacy and all dependencies: go get github.com/gilbertchen/duplicacy/duplicacy. This may take a while.

The pull request 612 was merged on March 9. If building using older codebase – apply the patch:

cd ~/go/src/github.com/gilbertchen/duplicacy
curl https://blog.arrogantrabbit.com/assets/duplicacy_gcd_subject_scope.patch | patch -p1
go install github.com/gilbertchen/duplicacy/duplicacy

The executable will end up at ~/go/bin/duplicacy. You may want to symlink it somewhere useful to avoid specifying the full path all over the place:

ln -s ~/go/bin/duplicacy /usr/local/bin/duplicacy

Configuring and testing

Initialize repository

Let us configure duplicacy in the user’s home folder. For convenience, we’ll store the downloaded JSON file right in the users’ home folder. We’ll have duplicacy use the “duplicacy” subfolder at our google drive. We will not use RSA encryption for this example but will use encryption password.

  1. Create .duplicacy folder and copy the downloaded .json file there

     mkdir -p .duplicacy
     cp ~/Downloads/duplicacy-app-4e8ade810e46.json .duplicacy/ 
  2. Initialize repository with encryption (we’ll use “obsidian” as a backup ID):
     % duplicacy init -e obsidian gcd://duplicacy
     Enter the path of the Google Drive token file (downloadable from https://duplicacy.com/gcd_start):.duplicacy/duplicacy-app-4e8ade810e46.json
     Enter storage password for gcd://duplicacy:**************************************************
     Re-enter storage password:**************************************************
     /Users/me will be backed up to gcd://duplicacy with id obsidian

    Login to https://drive.google.com and confirm that the duplicacy folder is present in the root of My Drive if the drive or drive.file scope was selected. Otherwise click Gear - Settings - Manage Apps and confirm Duplicacy is in the list:

    App Name

  3. Configure duplicacy to honor Time Machine exclusions:
    % duplicacy set -exclude-by-attribute=true

    Note, on the first run duplicacy will prompt for access to the keychain and will store encryption password and path to the GCD token there. If the use of keychain is undesirable, duplicacy can be instructed not to bother and instead, store required data in the .duplicacy/preferenfces file like so:

    % duplicacy set -key 'password' -value 'stroage-pa$$w0rd'
    % duplicacy set -key 'gcd_token' -value '.duplicacy/duplicacy-app-4e8ade810e46.json'
    % duplicacy set -no-save-password=true


To perform backup run the following from the users’ home:

% duplicacy backup -vss

Few things to note here:

  1. Duplicacy CLI executable will not have access to Documents, Photos, and other sensitive folders unless one of two things happen:
    • SIP is disabled
    • Duplicacy is wrapped into an application bundle that is granted Full Disk Access in the System Preferences. Adding naked executable there is not enough. For example, use Duplicacy Web GUI or create a wrapper in Automator.
  2. If you make a mistake and want to create a repository from scratch – delete the folder on google drive and then nuke .duplicacy/preferences file. Or delete the specific repository from it, if you have more than one.
  3. It’s useful to run the first backup with the -dry-run flag to ensure that everything is accessible and exclude unnecessary data.
  4. If you have Google File Streams installed and you want to back up contents of the My Drive folder but you have selected drive or drive.file scope above thereby placing duplicacy datastore into My Drive folder exclude it from backup (yes, GFS supports extended attributes):
     tmutil addexclusion ~/Google\ Drive\ File\ Stream/My\ Drive/duplicacy

    It’s also a good idea to exclude everything next to My Drive via .duplicacy/filters file:

     +Google Drive File Stream/
     +Google Drive File Stream/My Drive/*
     -Google Drive File Stream/* 

    Note, Google Drive File Stream is as a symlink to /Volumes/Google Drive; however since we have initialized repo in the user home and duplicacy follows first level symlinks this happens to work well.


Nov 23, 2020 initial publication
Apr 9, 2021 Modified the patching section to reflect that the PR has been merged to mainline